
Eli recalls meeting Felicitas while DJing the Pride Festival in Sonoma County in 2019. Although our allies and community are at home or at a distance, Her + Her is in the position to stay close to our people, because the brand has been focused on the individual from the very start.

“Someone once told me that it's a small revolution in itself just to be a person of color and be a woman and be yourself.” Amandla Stenberg. 

Lau, a Her+Her ambassador, spoke to me about her small, but powerful personal revolutions.

We’re leading a movement we call Gender Fluent. It’s about understanding that you have the right to express yourself without limits.
I am of multiple worlds. I grew up in the fields of Mexico and under the California sun. My grandfather instilled in me a love for hard work and nature as we sowed seeds into the earth together. But as I traversed between these worlds, I realized that fashion could be more than just clothing—it was a way to express my identity, my heritage, and my individuality. It was my common thread.